After last year's inaugural Northwest Trail Runs event at Fort Ebey State Park, we returned this year with improved (and slightly lengthened) course routes. The weather was once again very nice for running, with just a few drops of rain late in the run, and otherwise mild temperatures, a few rays of sun, and only a light breeze. The trails were in pretty good shape, especially considering the very high winds of the night before, which did bring down a few trees.
This run was the first in the 2013 Half Marathon Trail Series, which will continue with our next run, on March 3 at Redmond Watershed Preserve. Here is the link to register online for the March 3 run.
Several runners told us this was their first trail run ever. Congratuations, first-time trail runners, on finishing a challenging course! Congratulations also to 12-year-old Jacob Smith, our youngest finisher, for completing the 10k. Some other notable performances include Megan Hall's overall win in the Marathon, over half an hour ahead of the next finisher, Brian Nelson's blazing fast 1:36:31 winning time in the Half Marathon, and 16-year-old Alexandra Lablin's second-place overall finish in the 10k.
Special thanks also to the members of Whidbey Island Bicycle Club, who helped mark the course. Peteris Ledins also marked--the very long half marathon loop eastern segment--by headlamp. Many thanks also to the staff and volunteers who put in a long day; without them, we could not put on events like this.
We'd like to get your name and result right, so please let us know if there are any problems.
Marathon (42.25 km, 26.25 miles)
1. Megan Hall F24 3:50:50 Course Record 2. Thomas Ellis III M44 4:24:10 Men's Record 3. Eric Barnes M56 4:31:07 4. Rich White M32 4:39:28 5. Doug Sacrison M28 4:43:31 6. Wendy Wheeler-Jacobs F45 4:50:28 7. Joe Mantel M31 4:58:09 8. Jeff Kercher M42 5:04:20 9. Daniel Burnett M29 5:12:57 10. Mark Cliggett M51 5:18:07 11. Jeff Kirkham M33 5:20:14 12. Ras Jason Vaughan M41 5:29:53 13. Vivian Doorn F46 5:37:16 14. Amy Begnal F28 5:44:15 15. Toby Estler M47 5:44:16 16. Jack Curtis M34 6:01:04 17. Suzanne Nester F47 6:08:37 18. Tracy Hixon F48 6:10:17 19. Jack Jewell M59 6:10:17 20. Dan Whitaker M51 6:10:48 21. Robert Macgregor M54 6:20:49 22. Jill Hudson F51 6:27:30 23. Francesca Carmichael F53 6:36:06 24. James Brynteson M58 6:44:05 25. Mike Pruyne M44 6:48:35 26. Susie Ro F42 6:49:11 27. Monte Pascual M52 6:49:11 28. Kathy Vaughan F46 6:50:09 29. Margaret Barrett F53 7:10:38 30. Monica Bloom F32 7:10:44
20 Mile (31.78 km, 19.75 miles)
1. Benjamin Zuercher M25 3:00:14 Course Record 2. Benjamin Gibbard M36 3:05:52 3. Tim Dearden M23 3:07:24 4. Ken Weary M39 3:27:26 5. Jeff Mikesell M52 3:54:05 6. Jamie Landry F25 4:02:56 Women's Record 7. Jennifer Maccormack F42 4:04:19 8. Brian Peitz M50 4:43:21 9. Jonas Carson M39 4:47:59
Half Marathon (21.18 km, 13.16 miles)
1. Brian Nelson M32 1:36:31 Course Record 2. Collin Buckley M39 1:45:54 3. Dillon Quintana M18 1:45:57 4. Zach Denton M37 1:49:14 5. Thomas Nash M38 1:53:49 6. Matthew Burkhardt M36 1:54:17 7. Laurel Kaminski F31 1:55:22 Women's Record 8. Bob Vosper M33 1:55:55 9. Ken Koenig M47 1:56:12 10. Luke Redler M31 2:02:13 11. Donald Heggenes M45 2:02:43 12. David Keeney M30 2:03:09 13. Lucas King M18 2:05:21 14. Mike Standish M39 2:07:09 15. Ron Torrez M42 2:09:48 16. Jonathan Westrum M33 2:11:41 17. Curran Foley M24 2:11:48 18. Ben Semer M39 2:12:05 19. Andrew Swinburnson M34 2:14:10 20. Simon Fraser M14 2:15:10 21. Andrew Fraser M47 2:15:10 22. Tim Love M54 2:16:24 23. Aaron Rude M41 2:16:24 24. Frederick Bugenig M52 2:17:52 25. David Acree M44 2:19:15 26. Amy Harper F41 2:22:11 27. Blake Haeg M46 2:23:39 28. Lucas Thayer M37 2:23:48 29. Kim Boekelman F50 2:23:54 30. Steven Yee M53 2:24:00 31. Tim Harris M52 2:24:01 32. Marc Plano M41 2:24:04 33. Margie Wilkerson F43 2:24:06 34. Patty Johnson F48 2:26:08 35. Rebekah Averette F37 2:26:11 36. Ian Marshall M42 2:26:24 37. George Kosovich M34 2:28:59 38. Brett McLeod M44 2:29:16 39. Chris McGann M46 2:30:02 40. Luke Grulich M33 2:30:49 41. Mark Burke M50 2:31:14 42. Jarita Larsen F36 2:32:05 43. Mike Schmitt M44 2:32:48 44. Steve Anderson M56 2:33:38 45. Stephanie Irving F50 2:36:20 46. Dawn Hood F33 2:36:21 47. Nancy Peterson F37 2:36:30 48. Dave Hayes M43 2:37:10 49. Mathew Freeman M39 2:38:18 50. Davin Kluttz M41 2:40:54 51. Stuart Zaichkin M24 2:41:24 52. Davis Burge M24 2:41:24 53. Yvonne Williford F48 2:43:06 54. Mike Natucci M52 2:43:40 55. Brian Pendleton M58 2:52:30 56. Ellen Maude F47 2:52:49 57. Jillian Duncan F23 2:52:56 58. Hannah Glenn F24 2:53:08 59. Alexa Martin F40 2:53:43 60. Aimee Allen F39 2:55:32 61. Laura Martin F41 2:56:45 62. Doug Savelesky M42 2:56:57 63. Kelly Alsin F31 2:57:00 64. Paul Kristek M42 2:57:07 65. Erin Kristek F37 2:57:08 66. Greg Memovich M57 2:58:57 67. Vivian Cordero F32 3:02:54 68. Christina Haase F41 3:04:56 69. Robyn Raabe F34 3:05:02 70. Lisa Keith F42 3:07:18 71. Ryan Boyle M36 3:08:18 72. Tracey Boyle F35 3:08:19 73. Robyn Winters F32 3:09:30 74. Janet Werner F65 3:11:03 75. Scotty Railton M37 3:13:27 76. Mickelle Weary F40 3:13:54 77. Chris Bellevie M41 3:16:39 78. Christi Messner F39 3:18:08 79. Aimee Bishop F42 3:18:09 80. Susan Baza F48 3:20:19 81. Allison Ceci F25 3:33:03 82. Julie Ceci F49 3:33:05 83. Shelby Lynn F29 3:35:20 84. Michelle Barnes F55 3:54:20 85. Riley Barnes M23 3:54:21
10K (10.72 km, 6.66 miles)
1. Jonathan Bobgan M26 51:03 Course Record 2. Alexandra Laiblin F16 52:26 Women's Record 3. Chris Strawn M42 54:42 4. Rick Heckenlaible M50 58:59 5. Erik Sundvor M40 1:01:11 6. Gretchen Walla F33 1:01:32 7. Shannon Buckley F37 1:01:42 8. Katherine Urbanski F32 1:01:44 9. Dana Hezel F43 1:04:11 10. Bryce Kalmbach M25 1:04:31 11. Robin Sundvor F40 1:04:58 12. Sharon Warwick F43 1:05:51 13. Robby Burns M43 1:06:05 14. MacKenzie Hezel F16 1:06:20 15. Shannon McDonough F29 1:06:54 16. Amity Femia F38 1:07:22 17. Kristina Dearden F24 1:07:31 18. David Root M36 1:09:11 19. Thomas Begnal M35 1:09:23 20. Jennifer Wynn F45 1:09:32 21. Christopher Pickert M44 1:09:50 22. Ted Coulson M64 1:09:51 23. Sabina Havkins F58 1:11:53 24. Christopher Garwood M28 1:12:37 25. Svea Stromme F31 1:13:24 26. Jake Diliberto M24 1:14:24 27. Ali Alami M40 1:14:31 28. Kristin Okinaka F25 1:14:33 29. Janet Copeland F 1:15:15 30. Paul Schmitz M52 1:15:35 31. Paul Strefling M28 1:15:54 32. Nick Bailey III M64 1:16:40 33. Jacob Smith M12 1:17:04 34. Melissa Kohler F39 1:17:58 35. Liz Margulis F50 1:18:01 36. Denise Koenig F43 1:18:03 37. Brian Scroggs M31 1:19:01 38. Nancy Maio F50 1:19:02 39. Sirima Svastisalee F40 1:19:28 40. Faith Dougherty F33 1:19:51 41. Jeanne Coulson F61 1:20:01 42. Rita Brennan F36 1:20:27 43. Kent Margulis M58 1:20:35 44. Paulette Kosinski F44 1:20:45 45. Jennifer Forsythe F44 1:21:30 46. Douglas Dearden M55 1:21:34 47. Debra Smith F40 1:22:07 48. Nick Murphy M45 1:22:10 49. Gail Waters F40 1:22:39 50. Brett Edwards M45 1:23:52 51. Sue Fauerbach F65 1:24:17 52. Betsy Brace F58 1:24:35 53. Benjamin Bugenig M25 1:24:40 54. Lori Lynch F43 1:25:25 55. Leah Thomason F47 1:25:39 56. Emily Keating F39 1:26:41 57. Tiare Bailey F56 1:27:31 58. Kelly Henriot F52 1:27:34 59. Ivory Harvey F23 1:27:35 60. Adrienne Burger F25 1:28:08 61. Pisit Chartbanchachai M32 1:28:36 62. David Grear M42 1:29:22 63. Roger Dean M73 1:29:50 64. Janelle Hopper F47 1:30:14 65. Steven Miller M53 1:33:56 66. Karen Fusco F56 1:35:25 67. Dakota Stone F44 1:36:14 68. Rachel Standinger F23 1:36:10 69. Kim Sizemore F53 1:39:05 70. Richard Hardcastle M69 1:42:04 71. Gayle Nixon F55 1:42:04 72. Heidi Hammer F39 1:45:44 73. Christine Horton F26 1:52:49 74. Brittainy Haluptzok F25 1:53:30 75. Shanon Aguilar F38 1:56:06 76. Andrea Rae F41 1:56:30 77. Dr. Melanie Mitchell F40 2:12:14 78. Lena Swanson F53 2:12:17 79. Grace Chetcuti F51 2:21:49
Course records
Marathon Megan Hall F24 3:50:50 (2/2013) Thomas Ellis, III M44 4:24:10 (2/2013) 20 Mile Jamie Landry F25 4:02:56 (2/2013) Benjamin Zuercher M25 3:00:14 (2/2013) Half Marathon Laurel Kaminski F31 1:55:22 (2/2013) Brian Nelson M32 1:36:31 (2/2013) 10K Alexandra Laiblin F16 52:26 (2/2013) Jonathan Bobgan M26 51:03 (2/2013)
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