Parking: Please see the Directions tab for information on the offsite parking and shuttle bus.
No Pets: Pets are not allowed in Redmond Watershed Preserve.
Horses: You may encounter horseback riders at Redmond Watershed Preserve. They have the right-of-way, so if you encounter a horse then please stop running, step to the side to let them go by, and talk to the rider in a friendly voice.
Course Information
The 5-mile course is a lollipop loop, with runners leaving the start and returning to the finish via the same trail.
The 10-mile course is two times around the 5-mile course.
The Half-Marathon course is two identical laps, which generally follow the 5-mile course route but have two added out-and-back sections. Half-Marathon runners will pass by the aid station at the start/finish halfway through, and there will be an additional aid station passed twice at 3.54 miles into the 6.55-mile loop, for a total of three well-spaced aid stations for Half-Marathon runners.
The Marathon course is four identical laps, on the same loop as the Half-Marathon runners. Marathoners will pass by the aid station at the start/finish three times, and there will be an additional aid station 3.54 miles into the 6.55-mile Marathon course loop, for a total of seven well-spaced aid stations.
Aid Stations
There will be an aid station at the start/finish point, so 5-mile runners should plan to be self-sufficient during their run. The 10-mile course returns to the aid station once, and the Marathon course three times. There is an additional Marathon (and Half) course aid station at 3.54 miles into each of the four Marathon course loops.
The aid station will have at least water and some carbohydrate-rich foods, such as cookies, pieces of energy bar, bagel, fruity candy, fig bars, and/or bananas. There will be a few choices of these foods, along with electrolyte-replacement drink.
Safety and Trail Etiquette
The trails will be open to other users during the event, including pedestrians, bicyclists and equestrians (horseback riders). Please be courteous. Horses have the right of way, and if you encounter a horse in your path, stop running and talk to the rider; you will probably need to step to the side of the trail to let the horse past, but sometimes the rider will tell you it is okay to walk past. The amount of trail traffic will depend on the weather.
Most of the trails are fairly easily runnable, but there are roots, bumps and other uneven spots in a few places, and it's important to pay attention to where you put your feet in such sections. There are a few bridges that may be wet and slippery.
Participants are responsible for their own safety while participating, and the organizers are neither qualified nor equipped to render medical care in the event of a serious injury. In case of an emergency, call 9-1-1. You are encouraged to bring a cell phone with you as a safety precaution, if you wish.
Where the trails are narrow, please let other participants pass you if they want to get by. It is a passing runner's job to tell the person in front that they wish to pass.